Monday, December 21, 2015

Running as Free Exercise

Exercise is something near to my heart. I started exercising for the first time in 2008 after a bad breakup and graduating college at the same time and quickly became addicted. I had opened the door to a completely different state of being. Suddenly my anxiety was manageable, and breathing quite literally felt good.

Back then, my family had a gym membership and I went four or five days per week. I loved my elliptical machine and all the classes, especially weights and spinning. I still love spinning, in fact, and have a spinning bike at home that I especially love to use when it's either too hot (not a problem in Michigan) or too icy outside (potentially a problem here).

Then I started grad school and didn't have the time or money to go to a gym. So, for the first time in my life, I tried to run because it was free and I could start from my front door. I quickly learned that you can "run" 7-8 miles in an hour on the elliptical machine with resistance or do hour-long spin classes and be in the best cardio shape of your life, yet can't run a mile straight without walking just a little. And walk-run I did for several years, even through my pregnancy.

...Until I moved to Ann Arbor and joined a running group through Hike it Baby. (Isn't it nice that major life changes, such as graduating college or moving to a new city, are catalysts for other changes?) I joined the group halfway through Couch to 5k training for the Ann Arbor Turkey Trot. C25K works. Now I can finally run not just one, but three miles straight without walking. Even better, I've made my best friends in Ann Arbor through my running group. Before, I couldn't run without my iPod. Now I can't run without my friends!

My husband will say that I need to do more weights, and he's right. Besides the obvious - osteoporosis prevention and raising your metabolism - having more muscle improves your cardio performance and makes it feel even better (spoken like a true cardio high-addict). More on that another time.

If you'd like to share your tips for running or favorite parks for running, I'd love to hear!

(Photo of me and one of my dogs running in Korea three years ago)

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