Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Local Hike: Cherry Hill Nature Preserve

Hiking is one of our favorite things to do as a family. We love to be active and enjoy nature with Luisa and our dogs. We also love free activities, so it's a win. :)

Over winter break, we went on a family hike at Cherry Hill Nature Preserve in Superior Township. Northeast of Ann Arbor and about a half-hour drive for Ann Arborites on the south and west sides of town, it was well worth the drive.

Cherry Hill has gorgeous, varied terrain: steep (really steep) hills, a large cattail marsh, plenty of hardwood forest, and rolling meadows. We really enjoyed the steep hills; they're hard to come by around here. (The one thing I would change about Ann Arbor, if I could, would be to add mountains!) I can't wait to see Cherry Hill change through the seasons.

Be sure to take a paper trail map from the entrance to the park! We referenced it a few times to decide which trail we wanted to take next.

Do you have a favorite local park somewhat off the beaten path? I'd love to hear! I plan to share more hiking spots here on the blog.

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