Saturday, January 2, 2016

Hike it Baby 30 Challenge

Have you hiked with Hike it Baby Ann Arbor? It's a great way to get outside with your kids (and dogs!) and make friends, which is so important as a parent. Don't be intimidated; the Hike it Baby philosophy is "No Hiker Left Behind," whether you need to feed a little one, change a diaper, or stop for any other reason. There are fast-paced caregiver-led hikes, slower toddler-led hikes, and even group runs. Plus, all hikes are free. I run and hike with Hike it Baby several times a week and have made some of my very best friends in Ann Arbor this way.

Registration is still open until January 10 for the January Hike it Baby 30 Challenge. The goal is to hike 30 miles in 30 days, or spend 30 minutes outside three days a week. Hike it Baby challenges are so motivating to go outside every day, even on cold, gray winter days when you're tempted to stay inside. I've never regretted going hiking or running; I feel so much better afterwards. Being outside and moving makes all of us so much happier, kids and dogs included. Registration for this challenge starts at $2, as much or as little as you can afford.

I started my challenge this morning: Juan, my friend Alex, and I ran three cold, beautiful miles along the Huron River with the dogs and jogging strollers in tow. This is my second challenge and I'm so excited to push myself to spend time outside this winter.

There are also Hike it Baby branches in metro Detroit, Jackson, and throughout the country. You can register for the challenge even if you live in a city without a Hike it Baby branch, if you'd like.

Happy hiking, and a happy, healthy new year!


  1. Thanks for the blog shout out, Sarah! Registration doesn't end until January 10th, so there is still some time left! :)

    1. AHH Thank you!! I thought I'd read Jan 2! I will edit now.
