Monday, February 15, 2016

Date Night at Aventura

The stars aligned this weekend. My in-laws are visiting and it was Valentine's Day, so I got everything I wanted: A dozen red roses, free babysitting, a love letter, and a perfect romantic date with Juan at Aventura.

We chose the Valentine's Day five course menu and loved every bite. I forgot to take a picture of the first course because we dove right in! For the fourth course, below, I chose a caramelized onion tartelet and Juan chose lamb sweet bread. I also snapped a picture of our desserts, ricotta cheesecake and a potato nut spice cake - both fabulous.

The ambience at Aventura is really special, which you already know if you've been. It was so nice to go to the kind of restaurant we used to go to and talk, just the two of us, with a glass of latĂșe that a certain little person isn't begging to taste. I was also excited to wear normal clothes and feel like myself, not just Mama. I wore my Madewell Skinny Skinny jeans that fit perfectly, a silk Tucker blouse, my gold monogram necklace, and a Tory Burch handbag I bought a few years ago when such splurges made sense in my life. It was a refreshing change from my mom uniform of yoga pants, no jewelry for little hands to pull, and a diaper bag.

This year the Valentine's Day menu was $50 per person including tax and gratuity. I consider that a good deal for five courses (tapas add up quickly), and we left full and happy. Wine tasting with each course was optional at $25 per person.

How did you celebrate Valentine's Day? Did you dine out or prepare something special at home? I'd love to hear!

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