Wednesday, February 3, 2016

How to Help: Flint Water Crisis

The Flint water crisis weighs heavy on my heart, as it does on all of yours. As Michigan readers are certainly aware by now, children under the age of six will be the most horribly affected by lead exposure; babies fed formula mixed with tap water will suffer the most. It is so painful even to think about, and everyone wants to help out in some way.

I've seen a lot of information about bottled water drives being shared on Facebook, but monetary donations will make long-lasting change possible. Early intervention for developmental issues, access to healthy food, and early childhood education are all crucial to minimize the impact of lead exposure. Please consider a contribution to the Child Health and Development fund of the Community Foundation of Greater Flint.

Here are a few links on the topic:

Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, the pediatrician who brought the lead poisoning to public attention, regularly updates her Twitter.

My friend Nonie wrote a great reflection on a talk by Dr. Hanna-Attisha at the University of Michigan School of Public Health.

A fantastic Q&A with Dr. Hanna-Attisha about how parents can help their kids exposed to lead.

Dr. Paula Schreck and the Michigan Breastfeeding Network recommend for breastfeeding mothers to keep breastfeeding.

Like Michael Moore or not, he's from Flint and in a unique position to advocate for the community.

How the mother of three children with lead poisoning became an advocate for lead-awareness.

Hug your babies tight. Xoxo, Sarah

(Photo of Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha via Detroit Free Press)

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