Saturday, February 27, 2016

Have a Great Weekend!

It's been a while and I'm still working on redesigning the website, not to mention that I've been sick all month long (not an exaggeration). In the meantime, here are some links for your weekend...

Meet Piper, the dog who works at the Traverse City airport, on YouTube and Instagram. Total hero in our Border Collie household.

The newest American Girl doll, Melody, will be from Detroit during the Civil Rights era! (I love American Girl and have to say that this is long overdue and very welcome.)

Have you seen the blue ice stacking up near Mackinac Bridge?

How to give your kids allowance the right way. Great information on teaching your kids financial literacy.

A very Michigan marriage proposal...

...and why women proposing is still so rare.

A throwback to a time when breastfeeding was actually accepted and discussed on children's television.

Moving is linked to losing friendships - especially hits home for military families.

What it's really like to work in Hollywood, if you're not a straight, white man. (Reminded me of this piece from the fall about how women have to talk in meetings.)

Love this girls' dress from Tea.

(Photo via airportk9)

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